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Praying For Nations & Missions


Join us for a transformative gathering at our Global Prayer Summit, where we will unite in fervent prayer for nations and missions around the world. This event is a sacred opportunity for believers to come together, lift our voices in intercession, and seek God’s heart for the nations.

At the Global Prayer Summit, we will devote dedicated time to praying for the welfare, prosperity, and spiritual awakening of nations across the globe. From regions grappling with political turmoil to communities facing social injustice and spiritual darkness, our prayers will be a powerful force for change and transformation.

In addition to praying for nations, we will also intercede for missions—the vital work of proclaiming the gospel and making disciples of all nations. Through heartfelt prayers, we will uphold missionaries, church planters, and evangelists who are laboring tirelessly in the field, often in challenging and hostile environments.

The Global Prayer Summit is not just a gathering; it’s a divine appointment to partner with God in His redemptive purposes for the world. As we come together in unity and faith, we believe that our prayers will unleash God’s power and bring about His kingdom advancement in every sphere of society.

Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of something greater than ourselves. Join us at the Global Prayer Summit as we lift our voices in unison, declaring God’s glory among the nations and His marvelous deeds among all peoples.

Event Details

Organizer : AWC Abofu

Start Date : Mar 18

End Date : Mar 19

Time : 8.00 pm

Cost : 0 GH₵

Event Venue

Venue : Online

Phone : 8642758069