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Bible Approved Vocations


Are you seeking clarity and guidance regarding your vocational path? Join us for an enlightening exploration of “Bible-Approved Vocations” at our special event, where we will delve into the Scriptures to discern God’s calling for our lives.

In a world filled with career choices and professional pursuits, it’s essential for believers to seek God’s wisdom and direction as they navigate their vocational journeys. This event is designed to provide biblical insight and practical guidance for individuals seeking to align their careers with God’s purposes and principles.

During the event, we will examine various vocations and occupations through the lens of Scripture, identifying those that are affirmed and endorsed in the Bible. From roles such as teaching, caregiving, and hospitality to fields like entrepreneurship, creativity, and leadership, we will explore how each vocation can be used to glorify God and serve His kingdom purposes.

Through interactive discussions, testimonies, and guided reflection, participants will have the opportunity to discern their unique gifts, passions, and strengths, and how they can be applied within the context of their chosen vocations. Whether you are a student, a professional, or in a season of transition, this event will provide valuable insights and practical tools to help you discern God’s calling for your life.

Join us as we embark on a journey of discovery, seeking God’s guidance and wisdom for our vocational paths. Together, let us explore “Bible-Approved Vocations” and discover how we can use our talents and abilities to make a meaningful impact for the glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.

Event Details

Organizer : AWC Abofu

Start Date : Mar 18

End Date : Mar 19

Time : 6.30 pm

Cost : 8.30 pm

Event Venue

Venue : AWC Event

Address : Church Of Pentecost Abofu Worship Centre