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Church Cleaning Day: Renewing Our Sacred Space

Join us for a day of renewal and revitalization as we come together for our Church Cleaning Day . This special event is an opportunity for our church family to roll up our sleeves, work side by side, and refresh our sacred space for the glory of God.

Our church is not just a building; it is a place where we gather to worship, pray, and fellowship together as a community. As stewards of this sacred space, it is our responsibility to ensure that it remains clean, welcoming, and conducive to worship.

During our Church Cleaning Day, we will tackle various cleaning tasks both inside and outside of the church building. From dusting pews and vacuuming carpets to sweeping sidewalks and tidying up landscaping, there will be plenty of opportunities for volunteers of all ages and abilities to pitch in and lend a helping hand.

But more than just sprucing up our physical surroundings, our Church Cleaning Day is also a time of spiritual renewal and recommitment. As we work together to beautify our church, we are reminded of our shared mission to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community. Our efforts to create a clean and welcoming environment reflect our desire to honor God and create a space where all are welcome to encounter His presence.

Whether you’re a longtime member of our church family or new to our community, we invite you to join us for our Church Cleaning Day. Together, let us roll up our sleeves, work with joy and enthusiasm, and renew our commitment to caring for God’s house. Your participation makes a difference, and we look forward to serving alongside you as we refresh our sacred space and prepare it for the worship and fellowship that lies ahead.

Event Details

Organizer : AWC Abofu

Start Date : Mar 23

End Date : Mar 24

Time : 9.00 am

Cost : 0 GHS

Event Venue